Netflix series’ to get you through the dull month of January

With January being upon us, the Christmas festivities are over and I am sure many of you are attempting to tackle ‘Dry January’. It is going to be a month of nights in and saving money as much as possible.

This Christmas I finally relaxed once the Uni semester was over and took full advantage of having some ‘me’ time by watching as many Netflix series as I could! So here are some of my recommended box set series on Netflix to get you through the month especially if you feel bored and are in need of something to do other than your assignments:

1- Dynasty- This light hearted and funny American drama series is a reboot of the original soap ‘Dynasty. It follows the Carrington family and the Coleby family in their feud for power and ultimate fortune.

This is really worth the watch if you want something that doesn’t take intense concentration and gives you a good giggle. I highly recommend, but I warn you now this programme does get addictive!


2- How I Met Your Mother- Another American television programme that with 9 season will guarantee to not be bored at all this month! It follows a group of friends Ted, Barney, Robyn, Lily and Marshall in New York City.

It is set as if future Ted is telling his children how he met their mother and the events that led up to it are what make up the 9 seasons.

I found this series absolutely hilarious. Being half way through and always looking for a spare moment to watch it, I would even go as far as to say that it is better than Friends (unpopular opinion I know).

With episodes being only on average 20 minutes, it is also good for a quick revision or break from your day. It gets you into a series that you can look forward to getting into, without eating up your day… or life like some TV series can seem to do.


3- The Vampire Diaries- If mystical vampires and far fetched reality is more your thing, I highly recommend The Vampire Diaries. As a ‘Twilight’ lover myself this is essentially the closest thing to it but in series form, so better. There are 8 seasons with the storyline following Elena Gilbert and the Salvatore brothers. Having an initial connection with both brothers, the one thing Elena is yet to find out is that Stefan and Damon are vampires.

I won’t spoil it any more, but follow this high school cross vampire drama to be hooked and constantly on the edge of your seat (or sofa in my case).

Elena and Stefan.

4- Prison Break- This is one that I watched a long time ago yet would happily re-watch. With a very cleverly written and in depth storyline follow brothers Michael Schofield and Lincoln Burrows on their elaborate plan to break out of prison and clear Lincoln’s name after being sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit.

With some incredible characters and plot twists in almost every episode, this action thriller/ crime drama is certainly one to get your teeth into.

Lincoln: Prison Break

5- You- Last but certainly not least, you HAVE to watch You. With season 2 having just been released, it really did out do the first season.

This American psychological thriller, follows Joe/Will (whatever you prefer to call him) who is a bookstore worker and secret serial killer and stalker as he falls in love and yet again develops an extreme, toxic and delusional obsession with his lover. If you want to laugh, cry and gasp all at the same time then this is certainly for you.

You season 1.

My main advice would be to not go on twitter and look it up as you will definitely find spoilers. So I suppose the best alternative is to watch is as soon as you can!

If you have any others that you would highly recommend please comment below or contact UNIfied via social media!

Happy watching!

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