Are you in the Covid vaccine queue?

Over 18s in England can now get their Covid vaccine by either booking an appointment or going to a walk-in vaccine centre. 

Over 18s are receiving an invitation for their first Covid-19 vaccine.

Credit: Chantal Weller

Student hotspot, Canterbury, are one of many locations with walk-in clinics. This means that over 18s can simply queue to get their first covid vaccine. 

Georgia is a 20 year old student. She went to her local walk-in clinic in Ashford to get her first dose on Friday the 18th. 

She told Unified: “There were a lot of people queuing.” 

She took pictures and videos of the queue and said: “This was around 1:20pm, I’d been there queuing for around half an hour already at that point, there were loads of young people.”

Credit: Georgia Tudball

Georgia explained what happens when you go to a walk-in vaccine clinic.

She arrived 10 minutes before the clinic was due to open and there was already a queue of people. Half an hour later, the queue began to slowly move. 

At the front of the queue there was a lady who would note down your name, postcode and date of birth which you would give to the nurse before getting your vaccine. 

Georgia said the majority of queuing was outside and when you get inside “it is quite quick.”

After having her temperature taken and being asked if she’d had any symptoms, Georgia then went inside the clinic. 

When she got inside, she said a nurse came up to her very quickly. The nurse took a pre-set 15 minute stopwatch and escorted Georgia into a room for her vaccine. 

Georgia said the vaccine itself “was so unbelievably quick.” The nurse then started the 15 minute timer and Georgia was asked to wait in the waiting room to ensure she had no adverse reactions. 

The timer was put at Georgia’s feet and there were members of staff checking on them throughout their 15 minute wait. 

Georgia said, the majority of the time she was queueing outside, but as soon as she got into the clinic it was a very quick process. 

She added: “I was maybe in the nurses room for 45 seconds.”

Today, Canterbury Christ Church University’s Augustine Hall is operating a walk-in vaccination clinic. 

Credit: Kent and Medway NHS Covid vaccine website

It is open from 8:30am to 7pm so students can go and get their first Covid vaccine. 

Unified asked social media followers on Instagram if they’ve booked to get their first dose. 

Here’s what they said…

Unified asked their followers if they had booked their vaccine now they are eligible.
77% answered yes.

Credit: unified_news on Instagram

50% answered that they booked their vaccine after receiving a text message invitation.

Credit: unified_news on Instagram

Finally, on Friday, 13% said that they had already been to a walk-in vaccine clinic to get their first dose.

Credit: unified_news on Instagram

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